One International Service AB - Målare, Byggmästare och byggnadsentreprenörer, Byggföretag
One International Service AB

One International Service AB

i Stockholm


Org.nr. 559030-9604

Kontakta oss



Box 2543
116 74 Stockholm

Om One International Service AB

At One International Service AB, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality construction and renovation services tailored to meet the unique needs of hotels, offices, shopping centers, and other commercial spaces. 1. Hotel Renovations

We specialize in transforming hotels to elevate guest experiences and enhance operational efficiency. From luxury suites to vibrant lobbies and amenities, we provide full-scale renovations that integrate modern design with premium craftsmanship. 2. Corporate Office Spaces

Our team creates state-of-the-art office environments that inspire productivity and foster collaboration. From open-plan designs to executive suites, we focus on efficiency, comfort, and style.

3. Retail and Shopping Stores

In the fast-paced retail industry, we understand the importance of designing spaces that attract customers and promote seamless shopping experiences. We provide high quality services for shopping centers and individual stores of any scale and budget.

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för One International Service AB

One International Service AB gick med vinst (2023)

One International Service AB gick med vinst, 257 000 kr. One International Service AB ökade sin omsättning med 2289,09% senaste räkenskapsåret.


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Fordon registrerade på One International Service AB

Totalt antal fordon: 3

Senaste införskaffat: en Audi Q5 2.0 TDI quattro. Fordonet köptes 2013

Visa värdering och all info i bilregistret

Verksamhetsbeskrivningen för One International Service AB:

Aktiebolaget ska bedriva bygg service, grov städning, bygg städning, flytt städning, städning, storstädning, uppstädning, hemstädning ,bemanning inom byggverksamhet ,montering av möbler samt därmed förenlig verksamhet.

Verksamheten ingår i:

One International Service AB





Bolaget registrerat:






Svensk Näringsgrensindelning - SNI:

43341 - Måleriarbeten


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